How to write jokes like Shakespeare – five-step guide
Examples of Shakespeare jokes and a guide to how to recreate them.
Examples of Shakespeare jokes and a guide to how to recreate them.
Shakespeare had a true talent, and he didn’t shy away from anything. But how can you learn to write like him? What lessons can you take from his works and apply to your own? Well, these five lessons here would be a good start.
In five easy steps, we will break down what made Shakespeare’s insults so great and how you can write your own using his methods – and of course, there will be plenty of examples from his works to admire.
How I after years of clutter finally managed to tidy up my mind and keep track of my plots, and how you can do the same.
Some stories have a clear and intended meaning, something which you are suppose to have learned by the time you put it down, other stories are harder to define because their meaning depends on who is reading them. But both have value.
A short introduction to rhetoric that every writer needs to know.
An allegory describing elements in storytelling to provide easy understanding of what makes a story good and realistic.
I’ve been struggling lately, feeling unsure of why I was doing anything, what the point of it all was. Today I got one step closer to knowing the answers.
Some writers insist there is no such thing as writer’s block, some think it’s a real thing and something to cure or overcome, but regardless of which side you subscribe to I think every...