
Hello there, and welcome to my site of oddities and mærkværdigheder (yes, a pleonasm, nicely caught).

I am a young woman of… Actually no, forget my age, I’d have to update this every year then, and there’s no way I’ll remember that. Let’s suffice it to say I’m of legal drinking age, even in the United States, and I’m not yet 30. There, that should remain true for a little while.

I am the author of the Lizzy Langdale series, the fist of which will be coming out on the 20th of May 2020 (if everything goes as planned). I am also a lot of other things: I am a huge believer in learning by doing and in learning from the masters. I am stubborn and hate being told what to do. I am prone to doing things I am not good at due to a possibly misguided idea that this will help me get over my perfectionism. I believe there is no right or wrong in art, but I also believe there is no perfection. I believe in protecting your mental health above pretty much anything else because I know the consequences of not prioritizing this. My personal way of tending to my mental health is by writing and creating in general (which is why half my wardrobe is things I have sown myself).

In other words, on this blog, you can expect to see a lot of in-depth analysis detailing how some of the masters have done certain things and what effects that caused and is likely to cause. Since I hate being told what to do, I will not do that to you either, so the one thing you won’t find in my writing advice is a “how to” guide, instead it will contain tips and tricks or lessons learned from the masters. As for the above-mentioned fondness for doing things I am not good at you might want to go check out the bloggish musings section for everything from rants to random thoughts or opinion pieces. In my reviews, you will see honest opinions but focusing on aspects of the story that worked or didn’t work rather than my personal opinion – that said, my personal opinion will not be absent.  The mental health tap is pretty self-explanatory I think. To see what my writing looks like go to – drum roll – the writing tab!

So there you are; a little insight into who I am and how I’ve set up this blog. You are most welcome here, and I hope you enjoy your stay.